
Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: Been happy vs Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) Visit Number
Visit 1 Interim Follow-up Visit Visit 2 CVD Outcomes
Total 5,804 - - -
All of the time 751 - - -
Most of the time 2,940 - - -
A good bit of the time 825 - - -
Some of the time 612 - - -
A little of time 168 - - -
None of the time 62 - - -
Unknown 446 - - -
Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: Been happy vs Age at Sleep Heart Health Study Visit One (SHHS1)
Visit 1
35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75-84 years 85 years or older Total
Total 342 1,017 1,769 1,617 955 104 5,804
All of the time 27 108 189 237 170 20 751
Most of the time 159 486 909 859 476 51 2,940
A good bit of the time 73 159 232 209 139 13 825
Some of the time 44 132 176 149 101 10 612
A little of time 14 44 41 33 33 3 168
None of the time 2 11 14 21 11 3 62
Unknown 23 77 208 109 25 4 446
Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: Been happy vs Gender of the participant
Visit 1
Male Female Total
Total 2,765 3,039 5,804
All of the time 394 357 751
Most of the time 1,392 1,548 2,940
A good bit of the time 371 454 825
Some of the time 275 337 612
A little of time 77 91 168
None of the time 35 27 62
Unknown 221 225 446
Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: Been happy vs Race of the participant
Visit 1
White Black Other Total
Total 4,907 515 382 5,804
All of the time 611 73 67 751
Most of the time 2,537 247 156 2,940
A good bit of the time 693 70 62 825
Some of the time 489 75 48 612
A little of time 126 20 22 168
None of the time 48 8 6 62
Unknown 403 22 21 446