
Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: In general, your health is vs Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) Visit Number
Visit 1 Interim Follow-up Visit Visit 2 CVD Outcomes
Total 5,804 - - -
Excellent 758 - - -
Very good 2,023 - - -
Good 1,957 - - -
Fair 583 - - -
Poor 81 - - -
Unknown 402 - - -
Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: In general, your health is vs Age at Sleep Heart Health Study Visit One (SHHS1)
Visit 1
35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75-84 years 85 years or older Total
Total 342 1,017 1,769 1,617 955 104 5,804
Excellent 65 212 253 167 54 7 758
Very good 119 395 658 556 260 35 2,023
Good 114 245 521 594 440 43 1,957
Fair 23 79 115 180 171 15 583
Poor 3 17 19 24 14 4 81
Unknown 18 69 203 96 16 - 402
Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: In general, your health is vs Gender of the participant
Visit 1
Male Female Total
Total 2,765 3,039 5,804
Excellent 394 364 758
Very good 964 1,059 2,023
Good 908 1,049 1,957
Fair 257 326 583
Poor 42 39 81
Unknown 200 202 402
Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: In general, your health is vs Race of the participant
Visit 1
White Black Other Total
Total 4,907 515 382 5,804
Excellent 660 45 53 758
Very good 1,773 146 104 2,023
Good 1,644 173 140 1,957
Fair 405 118 60 583
Poor 58 12 11 81
Unknown 367 21 14 402