
Has a doctor or health care provider ever told you that you have insomnia? vs Visit
Visit 1 Visit 2
Total 2,911 1,026
Missing 1 1
DK/UN 48 21
Not Applicable 2,714 945
Not checked 102 45
Checked 46 14
Has a doctor or health care provider ever told you that you have insomnia? vs Gender
Visit 1
Female Male Total
Total - 2,911 2,911
Missing - 1 1
DK/UN - 48 48
Not Applicable - 2,714 2,714
Not checked - 102 102
Checked - 46 46
Has a doctor or health care provider ever told you that you have insomnia? vs Gender
Visit 2
Female Male Total
Total - 1,026 1,026
Missing - 1 1
DK/UN - 21 21
Not Applicable - 945 945
Not checked - 45 45
Checked - 14 14