Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: Problem to keep up enthusiasm to get things done

Item from Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Buysse et. al 1989 (PubMed ID: 2748771)

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Original question: During the past month, how much of a problem has it been for you to keep up enough enthusiasm to get things done?

  • A: Missing
  • 0: No problem at all
  • 1: Only a slight problem
  • 2: Somewhat of a problem
  • 3: A very big problem
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: Problem to keep up enthusiasm to get things done vs Visit
Visit 1 Visit 2
Total 2,911 2,911
Missing 1 1
No problem at all 1,181 397
Only a slight problem 1,104 408
Somewhat of a problem 534 189
A very big problem 91 31
Unknown - 1,885
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: Problem to keep up enthusiasm to get things done vs Age at Sleep Visit 1
Visit 1
67.0 to 72.0 years 72.0 to 76.0 years 76.0 to 80.0 years 80.0 to 90.0 years Total
Total 728 728 728 727 2,911
Missing 1 - - - 1
No problem at all 331 322 277 251 1,181
Only a slight problem 271 256 289 288 1,104
Somewhat of a problem 105 127 140 162 534
A very big problem 20 23 22 26 91
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: Problem to keep up enthusiasm to get things done vs Gender
Visit 1
Female Male Total
Total - 2,911 2,911
Missing - 1 1
No problem at all - 1,181 1,181
Only a slight problem - 1,104 1,104
Somewhat of a problem - 534 534
A very big problem - 91 91
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: Problem to keep up enthusiasm to get things done vs Gender
Visit 2
Female Male Total
Total - 2,911 2,911
Missing - 1 1
No problem at all - 397 397
Only a slight problem - 408 408
Somewhat of a problem - 189 189
A very big problem - 31 31
Unknown - 1,885 1,885
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: Problem to keep up enthusiasm to get things done vs Race Category
Visit 1
White African American Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Native Multiracial Unknown Total
Total 2,651 99 85 3 1 30 42 2,911
Missing 1 - - - - - - 1
No problem at all 1,065 43 40 1 - 12 20 1,181
Only a slight problem 1,020 29 31 2 1 9 12 1,104
Somewhat of a problem 486 18 13 - - 8 9 534
A very big problem 79 9 1 - - 1 1 91
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: Problem to keep up enthusiasm to get things done vs Race Category
Visit 2
White African American Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Native Multiracial Unknown Total
Total 2,651 99 85 3 1 30 42 2,911
Missing - 1 - - - - - 1
No problem at all 341 14 24 1 1 6 10 397
Only a slight problem 358 19 21 1 - 4 5 408
Somewhat of a problem 171 6 4 1 - 2 5 189
A very big problem 26 1 - - - 2 2 31
Unknown 1,755 58 36 - - 16 20 1,885