
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs MESA exam number
Exam 5
Total 2,237
No chance 757
Slight chance 727
Moderate chance 466
High chance 266
Unknown 21
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Participant Age at MESA Sleep Visit
Exam 5
54.0 to 62.0 years 62.0 to 69.0 years 69.0 to 77.0 years 77.0 to 95.0 years Total
Total 560 559 559 559 2,237
No chance 179 188 185 205 757
Slight chance 164 201 181 181 727
Moderate chance 128 96 131 111 466
High chance 84 73 56 53 266
Unknown 5 1 6 9 21
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Gender of the participant
Exam 5
Female Male Total
Total 1,198 1,039 2,237
No chance 433 324 757
Slight chance 382 345 727
Moderate chance 237 229 466
High chance 135 131 266
Unknown 11 10 21
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Race/ethnicity of the participant
Exam 5
White, Caucasian Chinese American Black, African-American Hispanic Total
Total 830 265 616 526 2,237
No chance 258 121 166 212 757
Slight chance 300 78 219 130 727
Moderate chance 172 43 140 111 466
High chance 95 15 88 68 266
Unknown 5 8 3 5 21