
Actigraphy QS: Overall Quality Grading (QS) vs MESA exam number
Exam 5
Total 2,237
Poor 690
Fair 576
Good 48
Very Good 131
Excellent 582
Outstanding 99
Unknown 111
Actigraphy QS: Overall Quality Grading (QS) vs Participant Age at MESA Sleep Visit
Exam 5
54.0 to 62.0 years 62.0 to 69.0 years 69.0 to 77.0 years 77.0 to 95.0 years Total
Total 560 559 559 559 2,237
Poor 147 159 171 213 690
Fair 154 134 149 139 576
Good 12 15 12 9 48
Very Good 34 34 29 34 131
Excellent 164 156 148 114 582
Outstanding 27 35 17 20 99
Unknown 22 26 33 30 111
Actigraphy QS: Overall Quality Grading (QS) vs Gender of the participant
Exam 5
Female Male Total
Total 1,198 1,039 2,237
Poor 369 321 690
Fair 332 244 576
Good 27 21 48
Very Good 61 70 131
Excellent 301 281 582
Outstanding 52 47 99
Unknown 56 55 111
Actigraphy QS: Overall Quality Grading (QS) vs Race/ethnicity of the participant
Exam 5
White, Caucasian Chinese American Black, African-American Hispanic Total
Total 830 265 616 526 2,237
Poor 156 77 283 174 690
Fair 200 64 167 145 576
Good 22 7 7 12 48
Very Good 52 19 24 36 131
Excellent 302 64 95 121 582
Outstanding 65 7 17 10 99
Unknown 33 27 23 28 111