
Signal Quality Issues Found On Fpz Signal from type II polysomnography vs MESA exam number
Exam 5
Total 2,237
No 2,042
Yes 15
Unknown 180
Signal Quality Issues Found On Fpz Signal from type II polysomnography vs Participant Age at MESA Sleep Visit
Exam 5
54.0 to 62.0 years 62.0 to 69.0 years 69.0 to 77.0 years 77.0 to 95.0 years Total
Total 560 559 559 559 2,237
No 518 532 506 486 2,042
Yes 7 - 4 4 15
Unknown 35 27 49 69 180
Signal Quality Issues Found On Fpz Signal from type II polysomnography vs Gender of the participant
Exam 5
Female Male Total
Total 1,198 1,039 2,237
No 1,096 946 2,042
Yes 7 8 15
Unknown 95 85 180
Signal Quality Issues Found On Fpz Signal from type II polysomnography vs Race/ethnicity of the participant
Exam 5
White, Caucasian Chinese American Black, African-American Hispanic Total
Total 830 265 616 526 2,237
No 740 249 569 484 2,042
Yes 3 1 4 7 15
Unknown 87 15 43 35 180