Related Variables

treatmentarm Treatment arm

Subjects were randomized to a treatment arm (i.e. diagnostic study type) at the end of the Baseline Visit.

completedm1 Completed Month 1 Follow-up Visit Administrative/CONSORT Diagram
completedm3 Completed Month 3 Follow-up Visit Administrative/CONSORT Diagram
age Age at baseline visit

The age of the subject at the time of the baseline visit and randomization.

nsrr_bp_diastolic Diastolic blood pressure

Average resting diastolic blood pressure of two measurements (2nd and 3rd readings) collected from the upper arm in a single clinic visit.

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: :diastolic: at Baseline

Harmonized/Clinical Data
nsrr_bp_systolic Systolic blood pressure

Average resting systolic blood pressure of two measurements (2nd and 3rd readings) collected from the upper arm in a single clinic visit.

Harmonized by the NSRR team to align with TOPMed and BioDataCatalyst standards. Source: :systolic: at Baseline

Harmonized/Clinical Data