
Over the last month, have you experienced: morning headaches vs Visit
Visit 5
Total 735
Never 374
Rarely 199
Sometimes 106
Frequently 39
Always or almost always 17
Don't know -
Over the last month, have you experienced: morning headaches vs Participant's age (category)
Visit 5
5-14 yrs old 15-24 yrs old 25-34 yrs old 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75-84 years 85 years or older Total
Total 64 112 62 98 148 84 57 31 2 658
Never 51 67 27 53 48 33 37 25 2 343
Rarely 6 22 21 22 55 33 15 3 - 177
Sometimes 4 14 10 15 30 10 4 3 - 90
Frequently 1 5 3 4 12 7 1 - - 33
Always or almost always 2 4 1 4 3 1 - - - 15
Don't know - - - - - - - - - -
Over the last month, have you experienced: morning headaches vs Participant's sex
Visit 5
Female Male Total
Total 406 329 735
Never 174 200 374
Rarely 128 71 199
Sometimes 62 44 106
Frequently 29 10 39
Always or almost always 13 4 17
Don't know - - -
Over the last month, have you experienced: morning headaches vs Participant's race
Visit 5
White Black More than one race Total
Total 304 409 22 735
Never 153 209 12 374
Rarely 82 110 7 199
Sometimes 42 62 2 106
Frequently 18 21 - 39
Always or almost always 9 7 1 17
Don't know - - - -