
Over the last month, have you experienced: your bedtime changed by two or more hours vs Visit
Visit 5
Total 735
Never 227
Rarely 242
Sometimes 159
Frequently 54
Always or almost always 39
Don't know 14
Over the last month, have you experienced: your bedtime changed by two or more hours vs Participant's age (category)
Visit 5
5-14 yrs old 15-24 yrs old 25-34 yrs old 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75-84 years 85 years or older Total
Total 64 112 62 98 148 84 57 31 2 658
Never 40 38 9 23 35 20 21 12 1 199
Rarely 14 31 26 41 52 30 22 10 1 227
Sometimes 6 26 13 18 37 19 10 6 - 135
Frequently 2 9 2 10 15 9 - 1 - 48
Always or almost always 1 7 7 6 8 4 3 - - 36
Don't know 1 1 5 - 1 2 1 2 - 13
Over the last month, have you experienced: your bedtime changed by two or more hours vs Participant's sex
Visit 5
Female Male Total
Total 406 329 735
Never 121 106 227
Rarely 137 105 242
Sometimes 85 74 159
Frequently 33 21 54
Always or almost always 22 17 39
Don't know 8 6 14
Over the last month, have you experienced: your bedtime changed by two or more hours vs Participant's race
Visit 5
White Black More than one race Total
Total 304 409 22 735
Never 89 130 8 227
Rarely 102 131 9 242
Sometimes 72 84 3 159
Frequently 25 29 - 54
Always or almost always 13 24 2 39
Don't know 3 11 - 14