
Waist circumference > 90th percentile for age, gender vs Visit
Peds Teenz TREC
Total - - 517
No - - 474
Yes - - 37
Unknown - - 6
Waist circumference > 90th percentile for age, gender vs Age at time of visit
16.14 to 17.41 years 17.41 to 17.69 years 17.69 to 17.91 years 17.91 to 19.56 years Total
Total 130 129 129 129 517
No 121 120 115 118 474
Yes 8 9 13 7 37
Unknown 1 - 1 4 6
Waist circumference > 90th percentile for age, gender vs Male gender
No Yes Total
Total 256 261 517
No 235 239 474
Yes 15 22 37
Unknown 6 - 6
Waist circumference > 90th percentile for age, gender vs Race
White Black Other Total
Total 309 185 23 517
No 284 169 21 474
Yes 20 15 2 37
Unknown 5 1 - 6