
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Visit (Number)
Baseline (BL) Clinical Evaluation (CE) Diagnostic Visit (DX) CPAP Titration Visit (CPAP) Two Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (2M) Four Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (4M) Six Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (6M)
Total 1,516 1,516 1,516 1,516 1,516 1,516 1,516
No chance of dozing 1,102 1,101 916 772 711 709 710
Slight chance of dozing 319 319 268 238 142 100 122
Moderate chance of dozing 70 71 44 44 24 15 16
High chance of dozing 11 11 3 4 1 4 3
Accidental skip 4 4 3 - 1 2 1
Refused by Subject - - - - 23 - -
Excluded - - - - 268 - 268
Withdrawn - - - - 143 - 143
Dropped - - - - 190 - 234
Disqualified - - - - 13 - 19
Unknown 10 10 282 458 - 686 -
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Gender
Baseline (BL)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 695 407 1,102
Slight chance of dozing 211 108 319
Moderate chance of dozing 39 31 70
High chance of dozing 5 6 11
Accidental skip 2 2 4
Unknown 6 4 10
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Gender
Clinical Evaluation (CE)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 693 408 1,101
Slight chance of dozing 212 107 319
Moderate chance of dozing 40 31 71
High chance of dozing 5 6 11
Accidental skip 2 2 4
Unknown 6 4 10
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Gender
Diagnostic Visit (DX)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 582 334 916
Slight chance of dozing 174 94 268
Moderate chance of dozing 29 15 44
High chance of dozing 1 2 3
Accidental skip 2 1 3
Unknown 170 112 282
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Gender
CPAP Titration Visit (CPAP)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 508 264 772
Slight chance of dozing 160 78 238
Moderate chance of dozing 27 17 44
High chance of dozing 3 1 4
Unknown 260 198 458
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Gender
Two Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (2M)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 458 253 711
Slight chance of dozing 97 45 142
Moderate chance of dozing 14 10 24
High chance of dozing 1 - 1
Accidental skip 1 - 1
Refused by Subject 18 5 23
Excluded 156 112 268
Withdrawn 79 64 143
Dropped 126 64 190
Disqualified 8 5 13
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Gender
Four Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (4M)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 460 249 709
Slight chance of dozing 67 33 100
Moderate chance of dozing 11 4 15
High chance of dozing 1 3 4
Accidental skip - 2 2
Unknown 419 267 686
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Gender
Six Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (6M)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 450 260 710
Slight chance of dozing 90 32 122
Moderate chance of dozing 11 5 16
High chance of dozing 2 1 3
Accidental skip - 1 1
Excluded 156 112 268
Withdrawn 79 64 143
Dropped 157 77 234
Disqualified 13 6 19
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Race/Ethnicity
Baseline (BL)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 19 62 101 84 830 6 1,102
Slight chance of dozing 6 22 48 20 221 2 319
Moderate chance of dozing 3 4 18 8 36 1 70
High chance of dozing - 1 2 3 5 - 11
Accidental skip - - 2 - 2 - 4
Unknown - - 1 1 8 - 10
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Race/Ethnicity
Clinical Evaluation (CE)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 19 63 100 85 828 6 1,101
Slight chance of dozing 6 21 49 19 222 2 319
Moderate chance of dozing 3 4 18 8 37 1 71
High chance of dozing - 1 2 3 5 - 11
Accidental skip - - 2 - 2 - 4
Unknown - - 1 1 8 - 10
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Race/Ethnicity
Diagnostic Visit (DX)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 16 50 81 61 700 8 916
Slight chance of dozing 2 19 31 21 195 - 268
Moderate chance of dozing 1 4 8 1 30 - 44
High chance of dozing - - 2 - 1 - 3
Accidental skip - 1 - 1 1 - 3
Unknown 9 15 50 32 175 1 282
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Race/Ethnicity
CPAP Titration Visit (CPAP)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 8 41 65 46 608 4 772
Slight chance of dozing 6 16 23 20 173 - 238
Moderate chance of dozing 2 2 8 5 26 1 44
High chance of dozing - - - 1 3 - 4
Unknown 12 30 76 44 292 4 458
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Race/Ethnicity
Two Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (2M)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 9 39 52 56 553 2 711
Slight chance of dozing 4 8 16 7 106 1 142
Moderate chance of dozing - 1 7 2 14 - 24
High chance of dozing - - 1 - - - 1
Accidental skip - 1 - - - - 1
Refused by Subject 2 2 3 1 15 - 23
Excluded 6 18 49 24 167 4 268
Withdrawn 4 10 20 15 94 - 143
Dropped 3 9 21 10 145 2 190
Disqualified - 1 3 1 8 - 13
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Race/Ethnicity
Four Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (4M)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 8 37 53 51 559 1 709
Slight chance of dozing 1 11 13 4 69 2 100
Moderate chance of dozing 1 - 4 2 8 - 15
High chance of dozing - - 1 - 3 - 4
Accidental skip - - 1 - 1 - 2
Unknown 18 41 100 59 462 6 686
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and talking to someone vs Race/Ethnicity
Six Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (6M)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 8 38 60 44 558 2 710
Slight chance of dozing 4 11 10 14 83 - 122
Moderate chance of dozing 1 1 5 1 7 1 16
High chance of dozing - - - 2 1 - 3
Accidental skip - - - - 1 - 1
Excluded 6 18 49 24 167 4 268
Withdrawn 4 10 20 15 94 - 143
Dropped 5 10 25 14 178 2 234
Disqualified - 1 3 2 13 - 19