
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Visit (Number)
Baseline (BL) Clinical Evaluation (CE) Diagnostic Visit (DX) CPAP Titration Visit (CPAP) Two Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (2M) Four Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (4M) Six Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (6M)
Total 1,516 1,516 1,516 1,516 1,516 1,516 1,516
No chance of dozing 157 151 130 135 159 166 170
Slight chance of dozing 455 441 367 340 352 361 338
Moderate chance of dozing 489 510 468 362 262 201 250
High chance of dozing 403 403 268 219 104 100 94
Accidental skip 1 1 1 2 2 2 -
Refused by Subject - - - - 23 - -
Excluded - - - - 268 - 268
Withdrawn - - - - 143 - 143
Dropped - - - - 190 - 234
Disqualified - - - - 13 - 19
Unknown 11 10 282 458 - 686 -
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Gender
Baseline (BL)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 103 54 157
Slight chance of dozing 298 157 455
Moderate chance of dozing 329 160 489
High chance of dozing 222 181 403
Accidental skip - 1 1
Unknown 6 5 11
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Gender
Clinical Evaluation (CE)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 98 53 151
Slight chance of dozing 290 151 441
Moderate chance of dozing 346 164 510
High chance of dozing 218 185 403
Accidental skip - 1 1
Unknown 6 4 10
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Gender
Diagnostic Visit (DX)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 84 46 130
Slight chance of dozing 240 127 367
Moderate chance of dozing 308 160 468
High chance of dozing 155 113 268
Accidental skip 1 - 1
Unknown 170 112 282
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Gender
CPAP Titration Visit (CPAP)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 90 45 135
Slight chance of dozing 238 102 340
Moderate chance of dozing 247 115 362
High chance of dozing 122 97 219
Accidental skip 1 1 2
Unknown 260 198 458
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Gender
Two Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (2M)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 104 55 159
Slight chance of dozing 244 108 352
Moderate chance of dozing 162 100 262
High chance of dozing 60 44 104
Accidental skip 1 1 2
Refused by Subject 18 5 23
Excluded 156 112 268
Withdrawn 79 64 143
Dropped 126 64 190
Disqualified 8 5 13
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Gender
Four Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (4M)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 106 60 166
Slight chance of dozing 252 109 361
Moderate chance of dozing 126 75 201
High chance of dozing 54 46 100
Accidental skip 1 1 2
Unknown 419 267 686
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Gender
Six Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (6M)
Male Female Total
Total 958 558 1,516
No chance of dozing 105 65 170
Slight chance of dozing 233 105 338
Moderate chance of dozing 155 95 250
High chance of dozing 60 34 94
Excluded 156 112 268
Withdrawn 79 64 143
Dropped 157 77 234
Disqualified 13 6 19
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Race/Ethnicity
Baseline (BL)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing - 10 21 21 105 - 157
Slight chance of dozing 10 35 43 29 334 4 455
Moderate chance of dozing 8 31 51 31 365 3 489
High chance of dozing 10 13 56 34 288 2 403
Accidental skip - - - - 1 - 1
Unknown - - 1 1 9 - 11
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Race/Ethnicity
Clinical Evaluation (CE)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 1 10 20 19 100 1 151
Slight chance of dozing 9 35 41 30 322 4 441
Moderate chance of dozing 8 31 52 32 385 2 510
High chance of dozing 10 13 58 34 286 2 403
Accidental skip - - - - 1 - 1
Unknown - - 1 1 8 - 10
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Race/Ethnicity
Diagnostic Visit (DX)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 2 10 17 13 87 1 130
Slight chance of dozing 5 24 31 24 279 4 367
Moderate chance of dozing 8 29 40 31 357 3 468
High chance of dozing 4 11 34 16 203 - 268
Accidental skip - - - - 1 - 1
Unknown 9 15 50 32 175 1 282
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Race/Ethnicity
CPAP Titration Visit (CPAP)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 1 9 15 12 97 1 135
Slight chance of dozing 5 22 24 21 265 3 340
Moderate chance of dozing 3 16 34 28 281 - 362
High chance of dozing 7 12 23 11 166 - 219
Accidental skip - - - - 1 1 2
Unknown 12 30 76 44 292 4 458
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Race/Ethnicity
Two Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (2M)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 2 15 16 15 109 2 159
Slight chance of dozing 4 20 26 19 283 - 352
Moderate chance of dozing 6 10 20 22 203 1 262
High chance of dozing 1 3 13 9 78 - 104
Accidental skip - 1 1 - - - 2
Refused by Subject 2 2 3 1 15 - 23
Excluded 6 18 49 24 167 4 268
Withdrawn 4 10 20 15 94 - 143
Dropped 3 9 21 10 145 2 190
Disqualified - 1 3 1 8 - 13
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Race/Ethnicity
Four Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (4M)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 3 10 20 13 120 - 166
Slight chance of dozing 3 28 19 18 291 2 361
Moderate chance of dozing 2 8 20 19 151 1 201
High chance of dozing 2 2 13 7 76 - 100
Accidental skip - - - - 2 - 2
Unknown 18 41 100 59 462 6 686
Epworth Sleepiness Scale: Chance of dozing while sitting and reading vs Race/Ethnicity
Six Month Post-CPAP Neurocognitive Visit (6M)
Native American Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Total 28 89 172 116 1,102 9 1,516
No chance of dozing 3 14 21 15 117 - 170
Slight chance of dozing 4 21 24 20 267 2 338
Moderate chance of dozing 4 13 19 16 197 1 250
High chance of dozing 2 2 11 10 69 - 94
Excluded 6 18 49 24 167 4 268
Withdrawn 4 10 20 15 94 - 143
Dropped 5 10 25 14 178 2 234
Disqualified - 1 3 2 13 - 19